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* HolyOfHolies > Topics

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namasuku 5.06.08 - 09:38pm
hulloWelcome.GIF new members and not so new members.here you can introduce yourselves and fellowship with us *

endtimes 6.06.08 - 09:57am
I agree with joe, lets have some fun! triodance.GIF *

namasuku 6.06.08 - 05:51pm
i agree with endtimes who agrees with joe.sa dance2.GIF *

rider13 7.06.08 - 05:00pm
dancecat.GIF I'm all for some fun! *

namasuku 7.06.08 - 06:40pm
aaw yeah monster.GIF *

endtimes 8.06.08 - 08:43pm
hehehe! pmpl.GIF *

rider13 12.06.08 - 04:58pm
Lets all triodance.GIF and Praise our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!Ilove2.GIF God and He love2.GIFs me. And you! *

joe.sa 12.06.08 - 06:18pm
dani2.GIF *

joe.sa 12.06.08 - 06:20pm
Oops - where dance_green? *

endtimes 12.06.08 - 10:11pm
Can we start a picnic here too pleeez? starfishing.GIF *

joe.sa 13.06.08 - 03:25am
I'll make a camp-fire!?

namasuku 13.06.08 - 05:53am
fishing.GIF yup we can.ill make some lemonade *

joe.sa 23.06.08 - 03:19pm
hello.GIF everyone!! *

levi4u 23.06.08 - 08:30pm
I'll pitch the tent nd get the wood. *

levi4u 23.06.08 - 11:06pm
Btw..let me formally re-introduce myself again..the names Kat aka Kathrynv! *

joe.sa 24.06.08 - 09:41am
hi2.GIF levi. Hope you are well. *

levi4u 24.06.08 - 08:27pm
Yes thank U Joe! Im doin absolutely Fab, hope U to! GbU! *

joe.sa 24.06.08 - 11:29pm
I'm fine thanx. *

joe.sa 4.07.08 - 09:43am
Hallooooo - where is everybody? swing.GIF *

namasuku 4.07.08 - 12:40pm
God has kept me all i know is that he is king of glory and no flesh shall glory at his sin consuming presence *

endtimes 6.07.08 - 10:29am
Amen sis! clapping.GIF *

namasuku 6.07.08 - 05:42pm
H! sisi nice to see you *

endtimes 6.07.08 - 11:08pm
Hi there sisi, always happy to see you too hug.GIF *

namasuku 7.07.08 - 08:39am
It gets so lonely here.i sometimes ask myself where is the remnant when one needs to pour out their heart to themconfused.GIF *

joe.sa 7.07.08 - 11:13am
They are in all the Christian-groups combined. *

levi4u 7.07.08 - 07:11pm
If u nd sum1 ta talk to Nama, im available 24/7! Just drop me a line, b sure to respnd at 911 capacity! *

namasuku 7.07.08 - 08:45pm
Lol even though i have banned you but you are still a darling kathryn.just that i was going through a valley of darkness was quick to judge and rebuke and i ended up becoming the people i was condemning.a sinner that is.and hey i am naked and un ashamed to admit my weakness.i am real like that.this is not wap 4me its part of my pilgrimage and ministry *

levi4u 7.07.08 - 11:44pm
Not wap 4 me either, Nama! We all go thru a Valley of Darkness sumtime in our life! Thats why i said i was available 24/7 if u just needed to talk! *

endtimes 8.07.08 - 05:47am
Thats true, its part of every true Christians walk, going through the dark valley. Sis dont condemn yourself, these things happen in order for us to stay humble, and make us realize our dependency for God, and the reason Jesus came to shed His blood for us. We must realize that christians are nt perfect, we stumble, we fall, we sin, but we dont stay that way. We go go frm glory to glory, we are none a finished work. Gods grace becomes available in our weaknesses, it abounds more. I love you sisi *

namasuku 8.07.08 - 11:47am
Aww you guys are so real.group hughug.GIFyou are killing me with love.i thank the Almighty God fo hs love that also covers multitudes of sin tho we are nt worthy at times red as scarlet because of transgression bt to have hm wash them as white as snow makes me to be awe of him *

ayouber 10.07.08 - 04:23pm
Hold on to Jesus.he will never let your feet slide *

levi4u 10.07.08 - 10:33pm
When im Discouraged! All i do is to say.. Lord help me to be so concentrated on You, that nothing and no one will make me deviate from You, the source of Life and the Centre of All. Amen! GBU ALL. *

endtimes 12.07.08 - 09:35am
even PAUL was given a thorn in the flesh to keep him humble and realize his dependance for GOD. The more annointed with gifts we are, the more the risk of pride to take hold of us, so we need to be kept from stumbling and falling away by going through persecutions, judgements, hardships, difficulties etc. if we were perfect we would start judging sinners instead of having compassion for them. *

joe.sa 14.07.08 - 03:33pm
Pray.GIF 4 Nama. *

namasuku 14.07.08 - 08:32pm
Aww thanx joe *

joe.sa 16.07.08 - 11:29am
swing.GIF *

namasuku 16.07.08 - 04:48pm
Megaman.GIF i am marching to zion.enjoy your swing joe *

joe.sa 21.07.08 - 11:09am
Thanks Nama hi2.GIF *

namasuku 22.07.08 - 12:48pm
You are Welcome.GIF *

n1ck 23.07.08 - 01:15pm
Psalm 91:1-2 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, ''My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.'' *

namasuku 24.07.08 - 08:26am
Thats True and they that trust upon the Lord are like mount Zion that can never be shaken nor moved *

seastarr 25.07.08 - 01:11am
Amen nama. Jesus was only perfect one. The rest of us take one day at a time and pray, pray, pray. God loves us even when we mess up. Thank God for His loving forgiveness. pray.GIF *

joe.sa 29.07.08 - 11:24am
swing.GIF *

namasuku 29.07.08 - 12:46pm
Dun ya get dizzey ayswing.GIF *

joe.sa 29.07.08 - 03:45pm
It's less tiring than sheep.GIF *

ayouber 29.07.08 - 05:25pm
swing.GIFYuppeee im new here *

joe.sa 29.07.08 - 11:40pm
hi Ayou dancecat.GIF *

rider13 31.07.08 - 12:56am
hello2.GIF sis nam. and all the members here! May God uplift each of you as you go about your daily lives. mwah.GIF *

namasuku 31.07.08 - 12:24pm
Fank you kindly sis rider.hello and welcome to all new members we love you and you are Welcome.GIF in this wap ministry *

ayouber 18.08.08 - 08:08pm
Welcome beloved and chat it is a wonderful thing to be called by God as a name that we are no longer slaves nor servants but his friends.i am a friend of Love and He calls me friend *

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